Prepare for C-PEN remote support

Created: 2014-01-28T14:26:55Z
Updated: 2021-08-23T13:18:44Z

If other options fail, we have the possibility to support through remote access to your computer.

Quick intro

If agreed with C-Pen Support, download and run applicable Teamviewer QuickSupport client. Once you have it running we are able to connect.

More info

The TeamViewer app will download automatically and will most likely be saved in your Download folder.

It may also be visible in the bottom bar or upper left corner of your browser. This depends on which browser you use.

The steps you need to walk through downloading and starting the app are pretty much the same independent of whether you are a MAC or Windows - but they may look slightly different. 

Below is an illustration of what it looks like on MAC.

After clicking the download link (, click Allow.
When download is completed, select downloads in the botton bar and click on Teamviewer icon.

On Windows: Open the Download folder using the File Manager and double click on TeamViewer to start it.
On MAC: Click Open.
Now, it shall look like this on both Windows and MAC.

When TeamViewer is started the C-PEN Helpdesk agent is automatically notified and will connect within the next few minutes.
You may have to grant TeamViewer specific access to your computer.
  1. Open System Preferences/Security & Privacy - Privacy tab.
  2. Select Accessibility and Screen Recording and verify that TeamViewer checkbox is enabled for both.
  3. If not, click to open the padlock, check the TeamViewer boxes (both in Accessibility and Screen Recording)  then click on the padlock to close again.

Screen Recording access is required to make your screen visible to us. We DO NOT record anything.