Missing OPD dictionary after upgrade

Created: 2021-11-18T09:32:35Z
Updated: 2021-11-19T07:27:13Z
Due to a previous bug in one of our ReaderPen upgrade files, Oxford Primary Dictionary (OPD) was lost when upgrading to version 7.0.108 through 7.0.107.

The upgrade information in ReaderPen firmware update was corrected and the faulty file replaced on September 20, 2021.


This applies when ReaderPen is on version 7.0.108 and dictionary OPD is missing.

  1. Unzip and apply this upgrade to the ReaderPen with version .108 and missing OPD dictionary.

Upgrade process

  1. Connect ReaderPen to a computer and select U-disk connection option.
  2. On the computer, copy sysdict.BIN and updatesys_7.0.108.BIN to ReaderPen (C610R) drive.
  3. Eject C610R drive.
  4. On ReaderPen, navigate to Settings/Software Upgrade and press OK button - then select Yes to confirm. The upgrade process may take 5-10 minutes.
Please back up all personal data on ReaderPen prior to processing the upgrade!