Teacher and students learning together
9 Jul 2024 | 3 min read

Empowering education – how scanning pens balance learning

There is an ongoing debate about digitalization in education. Studies have shown that reading printed text offers several advantages. However, tablets and computers are increasing in schools. At C-Pen, we believe in a blend of modern and traditional learning, aiming to help more children unlock the code of reading.

Dyslexia affects approximately 5-10% of the population, presenting a significant challenge for reading and writing among many children. Traditional methods often fail to provide the personalized support these children need. Our scanning pen addresses this gap by offering a tailored solution that aids text decoding, enhances comprehension, and promotes independent learning.

Unlike e-books and other digital aids that read aloud to children, a scanning pen empowers them to read independently. It functions by scanning and vocalizing text, assisting children in understanding and processing written material on their own. This tool not only improves reading skills but also strengthens the learning process by enabling active engagement with the text.

Physical textbook has unique advantages

Recently, there has been a debate about digitalization in education. Swedish school minister Lotta Edholm highlighted this topic in a debate article in the Swedish newspaper Expressen. Her article discusses the increase of digital tools in schools and their impact on children’s learning. Edholm acknowledges that digital tools have certain benefits, such as being durable and less prone to loss. Still, she argues also that physical textbooks offer unique advantages that tablets or computers cannot replace.

According to scientific studies by the Swedish National Agency for Education, printed texts offer several advantages. When reading digitally, readers spend less time engaged with the text. Students read through digital texts more quickly but with less understanding. In contrast, those who read printed texts were better at recounting main points, remembered more details, and overall demonstrated superior reading comprehension.

Teacher finds textbooks very important

Textbooks are also valued by teachers and parents alike. Many parents find textbooks easy to use for gaining insight into schoolwork, assisting with homework, or preparing for tests. Teachers also emphasize the importance of textbooks. According to a study by Swedish textbook authors, 58% of Swedish teachers believe textbooks are “very important” for students’ knowledge development.

However, one in three teachers report difficulty purchasing the analog teaching materials they need. Therefore, teachers spend valuable time printing materials and substituting books with handouts. In its study, the Swedish National Agency for Education states that reading from single printed sheets reduces readers’ ability to organize information.

Scanning pens combines learning methods

In the ongoing debate about digital versus traditional learning tools, we at C-Pen want to bridge the gap between these approaches. Our scanning pens perform effectively with both printed textbooks and digital resources, accepting various learning styles. This approach makes learning more engaging and effective for students.

At C-Pen, we also emphasize the importance of physical textbooks in schools. We believe that children learn to read better when exposed to a mix of printed and digital materials. This balanced approach supports dyslexic children and enhances their understanding of what they are learning. By promoting this blend of modern and traditional education, we aim to ensure all students can thrive in their learning journey.