Living with dyslexia as an adult
1 Jul 2021 | 1 min read

Living with dyslexia as an adult

Living with dyslexia as an adult means its challenges every day. Simplified, dyslexia is a reading disability where a person struggles to connect the sound of words with the letters that create them. However, dyslexia is in fact an umbrella term for a range of related symptoms. Though difficulty reading is the hallmark of dyslexia, most adults with dyslexia can read. They have strategies that allow them to assimilate text, for example with different dyslexic tools for adults such as C-Pen. Beyond the reading challenge, adults with dyslexia may also be experiencing memory problems, difficulties with pronouncing words and nonspecific mental health issues. Therefore it is crucial to know the condition and how to deal with it

How dyslexic adults can cope

Many adults with dyslexia may be having low self-esteem, carrying feelings of shame and humiliation that gives them lack confidence. This is one side of living with dyslexia as an adult. On the other hand, they thrive in careers that requests visual-spatial/kinesthetic talents such as entrepreneurs, engineers and business executives, with staff and assistants. They often display extreme work ethic, out-of-the-box thinking, and can be highly intuitive. Every person with dyslexia is unique and has to find their own way to cope. With the right social support and tools for dyslexic adults, there is likely to be a success.

adult tools for dyslexia

In order to understand something, we need to get information. Otherwise, we tend to make up our own facts on how is it to live with dyslexia as an adult. Therefore you must learn as much as you can about dyslexia for adults, in the way you can, because the first source of support is you. One fact is that dyslexia doesn’t make you unintelligent or less of a person, it challenges you. And because of that, you are stronger than others. By knowing what your dyslexia looks like, how it works and why, you can distinguish your abilities and figure out how to work with them.

Count on family and friends

For all major challenges in life we need our loved ones – they are our second source of support. Besides aiding you in understanding how is it, living with dyslexia as an adult, and how to best handle it in everyday life, they can give you perspective. One good advice is to choose the ones you will listen to, the ones that are kind, well informed and sane. Because not all of humankind can be right about you. Family and friends that love you are the ones that truly know who you are and what qualities you have. Listen to them and accept their help.

Dyslexia tools for adults

Tools for adults living with dyslexia

We live in an amazing time where technology solves more and more of our problems – environment, services and health issues. In order to work with your abilities, and your dyslexia, with the goal of being independent, there are dozens of tools you can use. One of these assistive devices is the C-PEN reading pen, a text-to-speech tool that allows adults with dyslexia to be in the same situation as everyone else. Other dyslexic tools for adults include smartphones for reminders and alarms and reading apps. There is a new solution with ReaderPen Secure for companies that need assistive devices for employees.

Use a professional

Most important of all – don’t shy away. Accepting your dyslexia as an adult can be very hard and at the same time the biggest gift you can give yourself. Instead of letting your condition determine every aspect of your life, take charge and use reading specialists or other educational professionals. They possess expert skills that you need and deserve.