Warranty is a guarantee from seller to buyer that a product complies with its specification.

If a device is defect in any manner, it will not be compliant with the specification, and the buyer has the right to get it repaired or replaced.

This guarantee may either be regulated legally, or warranted by the manufacturer.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee

Manufacturer, we Virrata AB, guarantee the seller to have their C-Pen device repaired or replaced if it is, or becomes, non-compliant with its specification (meaning – it does not work as reasonable can be expected) within a period of 12 months from date of purchase.

This guarantee applies to purchase of brand new C-Pen products.

Defects related to wear and tear and defects caused by external force is *not* covered by this guarantee.

[Battery is a component that has a limited lifetime and is subject to wear and tear even if maintained properly.]

In case of a warranty claim, proof of purchase must be available. If case of no proof of purchase date, manufacturer’s warranty cease to exist 12 months after manufacturing date.

Manufacturer’s Guarantee applies to all customers (consumers, organisations, businesses, etc.) independent of country/region.

Legal Guarantee / consumer protection

Private consumers may be protected beyond the Manufacturer’s Guarantee.

Legal Guarantee is subject to which country the product is sold in. I.e. the location of physical shop or, if online, normally where the seller is based.

European Union

Unless overridden by local regulation (the country of the reseller) C-PEN warranty complies with EU consumer regulations.

The Legal Guarantee is a guarantee of compliance, that the product complies with its specification.

The Legal Guarantee of conformity is at least 2 years but differs slightly between EU countries.

[Burden of proof of any non-compliance normally changes from seller to buyer after 6 months according to EU consumer regulation. BUT – for C-Pen products, Burden of proof cut off time is extended by Manufacturer’s Guarantee from 6 to 12 months.]


Read Citizens Advice to get updated on your rights.


Implied warranty (legal guarantee) is subject to state. For details, read here about warranties.

Independent of the level of protection given by the implied warranty – Manufacturer’s Guarantee per above always applies.

Other countries

Manufacturer’s guarantee per above always applies. Beyond that, C-PEN guarantee adheres to each country’s regulations.

Extended Guarantee

If buyer register the C-Pen device, Manufacturer’s Guarantee is extended by another 6 months.

When standard warranty applies (Manufacturer/Legal Guarantee per above), customers make claims to the reseller and the reseller manage replacement or refund (whichever applies).

Extended Manufacturer’s Guarantee is an additional arrangement between you, the customer, and us, Virrata AB.

A claim based on this extended guarantee requires the defect C-Pen device to be sent to our head office in Sweden, Europe.

[Register your C-Pen within 90 days from purchase and extend Manufacturer’s Guarantee +6 months.]

Terms for Extended Guarantee

  • The Extended Guarantee covers non-compliance, except for wear and tear (as original Manufacturer’s Guarantee).
  • Customer is responsible for cost and safety when sending the defect device to Virrata.
  • Virrata is responsible for cost and safety when sending the repaired device back to customer
  • Service, repair or replacement of the C-Pen device is free of charge.

Read about Non-warranty repair for more details.