an adult sitting at the table with dyslexia assistive tool connected to computer
30 Mar 2020

C-PEN Keyboard – embedded, mobile and desktop

There are typically four main reasons to use pen scanners.

  1. As an alternative to traditional keyboards.
  2. To capture notes and quotes from books and papers.
  3. Language understanding and literacy.
  4. Assistive tech, or more specifically a reading assistant.


C-PEN Keyboard is our solution to item#1, and adds an optional solution to #2.

When you capture notes and quotes you may not always prefer the scan & save companion apps provided us, but instead prefer to use Google Docs (or another Google service), Microsoft office apps, Evernote, or something else completely. C-PEN Keyboard allows you to do just that by being the bridge between text printed on paper and your favorite note taking/saving/word processing solution.

With C-PEN Keyboard it is possible to transcribe printed text into practically any app or system, whether on a smartphone, a tablet or a computer.


Mid 2019 we released our Bluetooth enabled C-PEN Connect together with traditional companion apps for Android and iOS/iPADOS. With these apps it is possible to scan and save text, have text read out aloud, and have text translated. It is also possible to upload and share the saved text to e.g. cloud drives in order to collaborate more easily.



Now, brand new from the C-PEN dev team, we launch C-PEN Keyboard for Android. And it is compatible with C-PEN Connect.

EDIT 2020-02-18:
C-PEN Connect app for iOS now featuring C-PEN Keyboard.


On MAC OSX and Windows TS1 pen scanner is used with C-PEN Core software – which includes keyboard support.


EDIT 2020-03:

Recently, using Connect Desktop app, the keyboard function is also supported on MAC and Windows using C-Pen Connect.


Our ReaderPen, LingoPen and DictionaryPen models have embedded support for C-PEN Keyboard and supports English, French, Spanish (ReaderPen) and English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish (DictionaryPen) respectively.


Below is a video showing ReaderPen used to capture text to a Google Docs document on a Chromebook.